Fact 2: Broadband penetration in Africa is below 1%.
Fact 3: Africa has the highest growth in mobile use globally, twice than the global average.
Projection: More than a third of Africans citizens should have access to Internet broadband by 2012.

Internet access in Africa countries are rare with limited access to Internet and extreme low high-speed connection being available. One of the biggest problem in Africa is a lack of inter connectivity as almost 70% of the Internet traffic within Africa is routed outside of the continent itself. (Read this - The costliest web access on Earth is in Africa) This directly drive up the costs for Internet users.
Since 2005, a total of USD8 billions was invested in telecommunications infrastructure across Africa. With only 1% access, there lies another 99% of growth and opportunities for Africa in the area of Internet and broadband access which eventually it will help to narrow the digital divide across the world.
Additional resources: Internet Usage Statistics for Africa