Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Most popular item purchased online - Books

According to the survey conducted by Nielsen Online, 41% of the 26,312 online users from 46 countries responded that they had bought books online, an increase from 34% from 2 years ago.

The top global book buyers are: (Percentage of the Internet user buying books online)
1. South Korea - 58%
2. Germany - 55%
3. Austria - 54%
4. Vietnam - 54%
5. Brazil - 51%
6. Egypt - 49%
7. China - 48%
8. India - 46%
9. Taiwan - 45%
10. UK - 45%

How about Malaysian? Did anyone of you buying books online? Does it reflect the reading culture in each country including Malaysia?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, i like to buy books online, even from the local online shop. it's easier.