Reading My E-commerce blog is an anodyne makes you feel good. This blog contains the latest updates and development on e-commerce and Internet related development and information meant for sharing with my readers.
Among the interesting topics are e-commerce business models, e-government, Internet security, ethical issues, e-tailing and many more categories. There will be more categories or topics to be added in the blog such as social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook related news, e-learning applications and many more.
Another discussion topic is the E-Commerce revenue models which specifically describe different techniques used in generating income from the publisher's websites. As the e-commerce progress, the traditional revenue model of sales is expanded to more variety of revenue options and e-commerce business model. Among the revenue models are sales, advertisment fees, affiliate fees, subscription fees and transaction fees.
During one of the trimester, I actually designed an assignment which required my students to produce blogs on topics related to e-commerce.The main purpose of the blogging assignment is to introduce the blogging culture among my students and at the same time trying to see whether the application of the blogging assignment will helps them to enhance their understanding on learning the subject of E-Commerce. All together there are 120 blogs being created (99 from accounting majors and 21 from entrepreneurship majors).